RGMI School of The Spiritual Realm Course l Enroll Now

Thank you for your interest in our School of Spiritual Warfare Course.

I am so humbled by your willingness to be a part of such. Now like our last Course we did, I have been praying and I believe that this course will greatly impact your life and the life of others.

As our slogan suggest; Equipping the Saints, Building the Kingdom, this is a partnership where we will both be one step closer to accomplishing just that.

The Course will be over a three (3) day period which will be streamed live to facilitate those of you who are unable to be a part of our studio audience. It is at a cost of US$155 for which will cover the entire duration.

Please go ahead and hit the Register Now button below.

After Successful submission you will be able to access the platform by using your login credentials. If you’ve recently done any of our other courses, or created an account while purchasing products from our online store, your login details will be the same as then.

If this is however your first time taking one of our courses, you’ll be able to create your own account for said course and future purposes. We’ll reach out to you for further information regarding getting in touch.

Please note that the Course Content or varied Lessons will not become available until the said day/ days scheduled for the course, as the course will be Streamed LIVE for students that will not be a part of our Studio Audience. (You’ll be aware of content availability when you access the platform) In the mean time you may familiarize your self with the course P.L.A.N.S.

Every Blessing.

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You may also register via Cashapp $Bishopgiga or Zelle bishopgiga@yahoo.com if you can’t do so by the button above.
(Endeavor to notify our Admin (876-569-1118) via WhatsApp or Apostle Dr. Gordon should you use any of these options.)

New Book Available Now!!

This book is intended to stir your spirit to passionately desire to
see and operate in the supernatural and to be like Jesus on the
earth. It is loaded with revelations about the supernatural
lifestyle of Jesus. Jesus came as the last Adam and the second
man; meaning He was the end of the old creation and the
beginning of God’s new creation. That is why we are God’s
recreation in Christ. We are a new creation in Christ, ordained
now to bear His image in the earth as we previously bare the
image of Adam.

Jesus came with a basic threefold mission:
i. To reveal God to man (John.1:18)
ii. To reconcile man to God (2 Corinthians 5:18-19)
iii. To destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8)

This book is therefore an investigation of the work of faith
and the Holy Spirit in the life of Jesus. It will also expose the
other mediums and principles by which Jesus operated in the
supernatural whilst on earth. It is my desire that your faith will
be stirred to go to another level in God, as mine was as I wrote
the pages of this book, and that you will be inspired and
provoked unto good works.

Get your Copy Today. Click Here to Order

RGMI School of Christian Psychology Course l Enroll Now

<h4>Thank you for your interest in our School of Christian Psychology Course.</h4>

I am so humbled by your willingness to be a part of such. Now like our last Course we did, I have been praying and I believe that this course will greatly impact your life and the life of others.

As our slogan suggest; Equipping the Saints, Building the Kingdom, this is a partnership where we will both be one step closer to accomplishing just that.

The Course will be over a four (4) day period which will be streamed live to facilitate those of you who are unable to be a part of our studio audience. It is at a cost of US$100 which will cover the entire duration.

Please go ahead and hit the Register Now button below.

After Successful submission you will be redirected to a confirmation page, where we ask you to fill out a short form and submit. Thereafter, you’ll be provided with login information as the course commencement draws closer.

Every Blessing.

You may also register via Cashapp $Bishopgiga or Zelle bishopgiga@yahoo.com
(Endeavor to notify our Admin (876-569-1118) or Apostle Dr. Gordon should you use any of these options.)

RGMI School of Preaching and Teaching Course l Enroll Now

Thank you for your interest in our School of Preaching and Teaching Course.

I am so humbled by your willingness to be a part of such. Now like our last Course we did, I have been praying and I believe that this course will greatly impact your life and the life of others.

As our slogan suggest; Equipping the Saints, Building the Kingdom, this is a partnership where we will both be one step closer to accomplishing just that.

The Course will be over a four (4) day period which will be streamed live to facilitate those of you who are unable to be a part of our studio audience. It is at a cost of US$100 which will cover the entire duration.

Please go ahead and hit the Register Now button below.

After Successful submission you will be redirected to a confirmation page, where we ask you to fill out a short form and submit. If you are not redirected to a confirmation page, no need to worry, just go ahead and login with info provided, or as requested (This is also a means of confirmation).

Every Blessing.

New Book Available Now!!


This book is written to give a clear understanding of how to function in this gift and to operate in the office of the Prophet. It is an end time gift because Jesus himself said; “in the last days there shall be many false prophets.”
The reality of the false, is however an indication that the real exists, because a photocopy is only a copy of an original.

This book aims to give some clarification and revelation for equipping believers who desire to operate in the prophetic. It also seeks to give a greater level of understanding of the functions, requirements and responsibility that comes with the gift and the office.

In this book, I will share my life experiences, testimonies and practical steps and techniques of how to operate in the prophetic.

I have chartered a course that will give theoretical and practical understanding of the prophetic, with the intent to shed light on all misconceptions and deviations, so as to expose the errors and fallacies that are presently taking place.
This book should therefore serve as a handbook for all prophets and those desiring to flow and operate in the prophetic. It is therefore my prayer that the revelations will transform lives. This book is available in eBook and Print format (Soft Back)

Get your eBook Copy Today. Click Here to Order

Get your Soft Back Copy Today. Click Here to Order

New eBook Available Now!!

Jesus while speaking to Peter said, ?thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.? The logical question from this statement that Jesus made would be; what are the gates of hell? Jesus also said that my people perish for the lack of knowledge. ?The fact that Jesus made mention of these gates means they exsist and will literally challenge us in various ways. Could this be responsible for what some may deem defeat in their lives? Is it therefore important to know who we are as well as having knowledge of these gates. The answer is yes.
In the book of acts an all important question was asked following a confrontation. ?And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are ye? And the man in whom the evil spirit was, leaped on them, and overcame them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded. (Acts 19:15-16)?
??Many are wounded today and even left naked in other words uncovered and vulnerable because the enemy prevailed. It is therefore very important to know who we are but also to let the enemy know who we are and whose we are while having knowledge of these gates, because only then will they become submissive and show respect to grace and authority. Only then will these gates remain shut and rendered ineffective. Knowing this however takes insight and revelation.

This book is a guideline and a practical tool to wage war against the gates of hell. It is a battle plan of how to take the battle to the gates as it is loaded with powerful prayer points to target these gates. After-all, there is a war going on whether we believe it or not, and being victorious is a choice. One way of doing this is by knowing how to pray.??The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. Weapons will form, but with this book you?ll be even more confident they will not prosper.

Get your Copy Today. Click Here to Order

New eBook Available Now!!

Did you know that you are dual dimensional and can operate from and exist in two places at the same time? Do you also know that you are seated in heavenly places, and if so the significant God given privileges as a result of this?
I have been taken to the heavenly realms on three occasions and have had many angelic encounters and visitations, some of which are unexplainable. The Lord showed me glimpses of His glory and mysteries of heavenly places.
This book will identify the mysteries of these heavenly places and show you how to tap into them and how to operate from these dimensions upon the earth. This book will also identify how the enemy (Satan) tries desperately to disconnect and dethrone us from these dimensions to connect us to his counterfeit.

If you practice the principles in this book I guarantee you that your life will be transformed by the Spirit of God from glory to glory and you will have supernatural experiences and visitations.

Get your Copy Today. Click Here to Order

Online Courses Available Now


God is not necessarily interested in using someone because of their Social class, Economical background, Accomplishments or Titles and He’s definitely not looking for Super Stars. His eyes go to and fro seeking for those that will worship Him in Spirit and in truth. (John 4:23)

It is therefore never a question of; Are you able, but rather are you available? That’s all He requires, “availability” and there has been countless times that I’ve seen God demonstrate His power and His grace through individuals who never thought it possible to be used in the fashion and manner God so chooses, and often times these are ordinary people possibly just like you but yet have been Impacted for Ministry through Richardo Gordon Ministries Institute because they availed themselves.

There’s a Remnant and there’s a clarion call for them to arise. Even if like Gideon you consider yourself ordinary, God can add the extra to your life and make you into a mighty man or woman of valor. The question therefore is; will you answer the call?

If RGMI has Impacted your life, please Click Here to share your experience with others.

Richardo Gordon Ministries Institute want to make your experience First Class!! We are therefore pleased to announce that our courses are now online!!

Click Here for Available Courses, further info and to Enroll Now.

Do keep checking our Events Page to find out if we’ll be offering residential courses in your area.

New Book Available Now!!


“I’m where I am today because I chose to develop a STRONG FOUNDATION and so can you.” -Bishop Richardo Gordon-

A strong building is no coincidence or accident but rather a result of thorough approach to its intended design, a strong foundation and an equipped yet competent builder. The Title ?BIBLE STUDIES FOR A STRONG FOUNDATION? therefore speaks for itself as there?s not a more solid foundation to have than one that is grounded on the Word of God and its intended blueprint for our lives. After all, Scripture itself was given by inspiration from the Master Builder; The Holy Ghost.

If you are desirous of understanding the Fundamentals, the Essentials, and more, geared towards a victorious life as a Believer, the pages of this book will establish your footing on a firm path! As you Study this material you will position yourself to be approved and hence there?s no room for shame but rather greatness. Study questions are included.

Get your copy today. Click Here to Order


Welcome to the official Website for Richardo Gordon Ministries. Bishop Richardo Gordon wants the supernatural to flow naturally in your life. Browse at your convenience and be inspired and encouraged by its contents. God bless!!

Must Have Releases from Bishop Richardo Gordon

Two (2) books that are filled with revelations from cover to cover and backed by strong scriptural support is A Divine Revelation on the Gates of Hell Volumes 1 and 2 by Bishop Richardo Gordon. If you had the chance to read any of them before then you’d know that they are indeed power packed and effective tools that any and every believer should have. Though not for the faint-hearted, even in their hands, their attitude towards spiritual matters will change.

With all that said; Imagine Volume 1 being revised with new revelations that God has given to the author Bishop Gordon. I would not want to be the enemy, cause with the upcoming release of the Revised version and their introduction to eBook, heaven is about to be populated even the more and hell rightly plundered as it should!
Click here to Order your Revised copy of Volume 1 (Soft Back)
Click here to Order your copy of Volume 2 (Soft Back)

Volume 2 is Also Available in eBook format. For more info see below!!

RGM Gates of Hell Book

Click Here To Purchase.

You will be redirected to Barnes & Noble’s Website.
Look out for Volume 1.

About Partnership

?There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes: but what are they among so many?? (Jn. 6:9)

The need is great in reaching the multitude of the nations, but each of us has a significant role to play. I am called to carry God?s glory across the nations, your calling may be different, but like a garment factory each worker in the Kingdom compliments another. Jesus had a multitude to reach; people who were hungry and wanted bread, a little lad just had five loaves and two fishes which seemed insignificant to feed the multitude but he partnered with Jesus and His disciples and gave what he had and this resulted in a multiplication miracle.

The young man could not accomplish this on his own, it is as you connect and sow into great ministries that you yourself become connected to greater blessings and breakthroughs. I declare to you that this is good ground and as you partner with us I believe that God will bring the overflow in your life as He instructed His disciples;

?When they were filled, he said unto his disciples, Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost.

Therefore they gathered them together, and filled twelve baskets with the fragments of the five barley loaves, which remained over and above unto them that had eaten. Then those men, when they had seen the miracle that Jesus did, said, This is of a truth that prophet that should come into the world.? (Jn. 6:12-14)

As you partner with us, people will see the miracles and will confess Jesus as Lord and Saviour of the world. Don?t despise the little that you may have in your hand, little is much when God is in it. Jesus needed the fish and the loaves so the power of God would be demonstrated. The young man had faith enough to believe that if he gave what he had to Jesus that it would multiply back to him. Just as Jesus needed that lad, I need partners who will support this ministry, as ever increasing doors are opening up across the nations.

This is a multiplication ministry and when you partner with us your efforts are multiplied into the nations and back to you. You will surely be filled with bread. As a covenant partner we first seek your fervent prayers and then your financial generosity. We inturn pray fervently for our partners and send out monthly newsletters to give reports and testimonies of what God is doing and a monthly word of revelation form the Bishop. There will be seasons of special impartation to our covenant partners. We do sincerely ask that you prayerfully consider becoming one of our covenant partners by making a monthly commitment, a yearly commitment or a one-time gift however the Lord may lead you. Let me just encourage you concerning the five areas that we are commanded to sow into.

1. ?The Message i.e., (The word of God)

There are times when God will speak a word through His servants and you can come in agreement with that word for your life by connecting a seed into what you heard. There are even times when God will direct our sowing through the word. For example; you can sow a prophetic seed in connection to a verse that you are standing on.

?Now he that ministereth seed to the sower both minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness;)? (2nd Cor. 9:10)

2.? The Messenger i.e., (The one who brings the word)

?Let him who receives instruction in the Word (of God) share all good things with his teacher (contributing to his support?? (Gal 6:6a Amp.)

??For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. If we have sown unto you spiritual things, is it a great thing if we shall reap your carnal things? If others be partakers of this power over you, are not we rather? Nevertheless we have not used this power; but suffer all things, lest we should hinder the gospel of Christ. Do ye not know that they which minister about holy things live of the things of the temple? and they which wait at the altar are partakers with the altar? Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel.? (1st Cor. 9:9-14)

3.? The Ministry i.e., (The Work)

You can sow into specialized ministry; television ministry, feeding ministry, clothing ministry and thus support the work.

?And not that only, but who was also chosen of the churches to travel with us with this grace, which is administered by us to the glory of the same Lord, and declaration of your ready mind: Avoiding this, that no man should blame us in this abundance which is administered by us: Providing for honest things, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men.? (2nd Cor. 8:19-21)

4.? The Miracles i.e., (The Works)

Like the young lad, you can sow into the miracles. I see greater explosions in my services after people first sow into the miracles.

?Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.? (Lu. 6:38)

?And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all. Neither was there any among them that lacked: for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the prices of the things that were sold, And laid them down at the apostles’ feet: and distribution was made unto every man according as he had need.? (Acts 3:33-35)

As the early church sewed into the miraculous power of the apostolic ministry the same grace fell upon all. Some of the grace upon my life can fall upon you as you partner with this apostolic ministry.

5.? The Ministers I.e., (The Workers)

You can sow into the life of support staff; such as the musicians, armour bearers, administrators etc, those who help to keep the ministry going. They may not be in the five fold ministry but they are ministers in their own right as they serve in the ministry.

?As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.? (Gal. 6:10)

There are several support staff that I have to pay each month to carry this glory across the nations. As you partner with me you will be doing good to the household of faith.
