Thank you for your interest in our School of Spiritual Warfare Course.
I am so humbled by your willingness to be a part of such. Now like our last Course we did, I have been praying and I believe that this course will greatly impact your life and the life of others.
As our slogan suggest; Equipping the Saints, Building the Kingdom, this is a partnership where we will both be one step closer to accomplishing just that.
The Course will be over a three (3) day period which will be streamed live to facilitate those of you who are unable to be a part of our studio audience. It is at a cost of US$155 for which will cover the entire duration.
Please go ahead and hit the Register Now button below.
After Successful submission you will be able to access the platform by using your login credentials. If you’ve recently done any of our other courses, or created an account while purchasing products from our online store, your login details will be the same as then.
If this is however your first time taking one of our courses, you’ll be able to create your own account for said course and future purposes. We’ll reach out to you for further information regarding getting in touch.
Please note that the Course Content or varied Lessons will not become available until the said day/ days scheduled for the course, as the course will be Streamed LIVE for students that will not be a part of our Studio Audience. (You’ll be aware of content availability when you access the platform) In the mean time you may familiarize your self with the course P.L.A.N.S.
Every Blessing.

You may also register via Cashapp $Bishopgiga or Zelle bishopgiga@yahoo.com if you can’t do so by the button above.
(Endeavor to notify our Admin (876-569-1118) via WhatsApp or Apostle Dr. Gordon should you use any of these options.)