Thank you for your interest in our School of Glory Course. Registering here is strictly for ‘STUDIO AUDIENCE’
I am so humbled by your willingness to be a part of such. Now like our last Course we did, I have been praying and I believe that this course will greatly impact your life and the life of others.
As our slogan suggest; Equipping the Saints, Building the Kingdom, this is a partnership where we will both be one step closer to accomplishing just that.
The Course will be over a three (3) day period which will also be streamed live to facilitate others who are unable to be a part of our studio audience. It is at a cost of US$100 or the Jamaican equivalent of $15,000 which will cover the entire duration.
Please go ahead and hit the “Register Now” button below to begin the enrollment process.
After Successful submission you will be redirected to a confirmation page, where we ask you to fill out a short form and submit. (This is also a means of confirmation).
If you are not redirected to a confirmation page, no need to worry, we will reach out if it necessitates.
Please ensure that you are Registering to be a part of our STUDIO AUDIENCE and not our LIVE STREAM Audience before hitting the Register Now button blow.
Every Blessing.
You may also register via NCB or SCOTIA if you can’t do so by the button above.
NCB – Account # 781 043 133 Richardo Gordon Ministries. Annotto Bay, St. Mary
SCOTIA – Account # 100025019 Richardo Gordon BNS Port Maria
(Endeavor to notify our Admin (876-569-1118) via WhatsApp or Apostle Dr. Gordon with a screenshot of transaction should you use any of these options. You may also email richardogordonministries@gmail.com