I am so humbled by your willingness to be a part of the GIDEON 300 Program. I have been praying for you and I believe that you are divinely ordained for this mentorship program.
The Lord has impressed upon my spirit to raise up a Gideon 300 company. The main aim is to pour into those I mentor, my knowledge and experience. It is my intent to help my mentees to be grounded and equipped for the work of the ministry by helping them to discover their gifts, develop those gifts, define their call and demonstrate their ministry.
There are four levels in this Mentorship Program. Below you’ll find description on each.
This is a three months mentorship program with a one day per week mentorship class via conference live. Mentees will have the opportunity to interact with the mentor via questions and answers. A $30 US charge per month or $90 one time charge is required.
This is a three months mentorship program with a once per week mentorship class via a conference line. It also includes a RGMI module ( choose from: prophetic, healing and deliverance or Intercession), a copy of the book Understanding and Operating in the Prophetic and three (3) special teachings by the Apostle in mp3 format. A $50 US charge per month or $150 US one time charge is required.
This is a three months mentorship program with a once per week mentorship class. It includes two (2) special mentorship packages ( AMPed up Mentorship and Prophetic Mentorship ), a copy of the book : Understanding and Operating in the Prophetic, twelve (12) special teachings by the Apostle on mp3, three (3) prophetic consultations with the Apostle, one per month. A $100 US charge per month or $300 US one time charge is required.
This is a three months mentorship program with a once per week mentorship class. It includes two (2) special mentorship packages (AMPed up Mentorship and Prophetic Mentorship), twenty four (24) special teachings by the Apostle on mp3, copies of the books Understanding and Operating in the Prophetic and Understanding and Operating in the Glory , three (3) prophetic consultations with the Apostle face to face and a 50% discount on all products on the website. This requires a $200 charge per month or a $600 one time charge
You may choose the level that best suits you by giving an indication below. Please fill the enroll form and submit first, then proceed to make your monthly or one time fee.
Please note: (if you are using a mobile device and the form appears to be missing a part, please flip to horizontal.)
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