Our Ministry


With its foundation deeply rooted on the 5 Ws; The Word of God, The Worship of God, The Works of the Holy Spirit, Witnessing to the Lost and Warfare against the enemy, there?s also four (4) realms of Supernatural manifestations that flows consistently in Richardo Gordon Ministries. All intended to invoke change in the lives of people from all walks of life.

The Revelatory Realm:

Teaching and expounding the Word of God with deep insights.

The Prophetic Realm:

Prophetic scrolls are released in our meetings that produces deep and accurate Word of Knowledge.

Healing & Deliverance Realm:

Powers of witchcraft, hexes and spell broken, often times quite dramatic. The sick and demonized is healed & delivered.

The Glory Realm:

Creative miracles and manifestations of the Glory. Angelic visitations and signs and wonders

RGM have impacted individuals, families, ministries, communities and some 20 Nations with the gospel. With your continued help, together we can reach the world and be the hands and feet of Jesus to those in need. As the helm outreach of New Covenant Ministries International
we want the supernatural to flow naturally in your life.
